Rubber Bands and Change at #Lead3

This guy John Eick, @John_Eick, (pronounced IKE not ICK), just blew my mind for the second time in less than a month. We were fortunate enough to have John keynote our district PD day a few weeks ago and I thought he rocked the house then, but yesterday as the Lead 3 keynote, he brought the house down. In about an hour, from a tiny stage in front of a crowd of school administrators seated at round tables eating lunch, John taught a master course on organizational change leadership. We’ve all read the standard leadership books but what Eick did in an hour with an imaginary Rubber Band, Hollywood worthy sound effects and an acronym, is distill all that book theory into 7 practical steps a school administrator can start working on TOMORROW. And it’s not rocket science. To use another Jon’s terminology, Eick has built a protocol for educational leadership that gets right to the point. So, if John isn’t writing a book, he should be, because his STRETCH ideas are some of the most succinct and accessible how-to’s for being a change leader I’ve heard, ever. And we need more practical, real world ideas for educational leaders if we’re going to change the system to meet the needs of our kid’s futures. Status quo is not an option.